
Upcoming Webinars

A new approach to optimizing completion and stimulation fluids - the component focus mistake

November 18, 2024

Every component in a completion fluid plays a role in stimulating production or protecting against risk to equipment or formation. At Interface, we’ve observed that all additives can impact the most important parameter, how much oil you can get out of the producing formation. Often, additives not intended for use as stimulation chemicals – but rather for some other purpose such as inhibiting corrosion – can interfere with the selected stimulation additives, resulting in diminished return on investment.

Webinars on Demand

How to Build a Great Microfluidic System for Industrial Fluid Analysis For Your Laboratory

Have you heard about microfluidics and wondered how you can start benefiting from it in your laboratory? Have you struggled to get images free from vignetting and blur, minimize system dead volume, or achieve more accurate flow rates? Whether you are a microfluidics novice or expert, we have you covered. Interface Fluidics invites you to participate in our upcoming webinar on October 4, 2024, where we will discuss how to build a great microfluidic system for industrial fluid analysis to accelerate your research.

Building your own microfluidic system is hard. It’s even harder to support high pressure and high temperature conditions. Getting it right requires know-how that can only be gained from years of trials and tribulations. Fortunately, you don’t have to go through this yourself. In this webinar, our team of experts will draw from years of experience gained from building SapphireLab, our multipurpose microfluidics platform, to discuss what to look for when sourcing the major components of a microfluidics system for industrial fluid analysis, how to build repeatability into your test results, and how to get great results.

Register today and secure your spot to learn more about how you can get a leg up in your fluid research using microfluidics.

Original Air Date: October 4 2024

PVT Reports Demystified - A conversation between a modeler and experimentalist to peel back the onion of 100 years of history, methods, and assumptions.

PVT reports are one of the pillars of the Exploration, Development, and Production workflow. With nearly >100 years of history, methods, assumptions, and unwritten rules baked into every report, how can modern engineers peel back these complexities to get to the most important pieces of data?

If you ask a modeler or an experimentalist about what any part of the PVT report means and how it should be used, you’re likely to get two different perspectives that are not mutually exclusive. In this webinar, Whitson’s Markus Hays Nielsen and Interface’s Ali Abedini will discuss the most important pieces of a PVT report and discuss each perspective.

Attendees of this webinar will learn:
What are the unwritten rules of PVT reporting?
What is measured, what is calculated, and which is better?
What are the most important measurements buried deep in the PVT report?
How are new experimental methods, and new modeling workflows making EOS development more efficient?

About Whitson: Whitson has been at the cutting edge of the modeling of phase behavior in complex fluids for more than 30 years. In that time, they have built thousands of fluid models based on even more PVT reports. They are the leader in making PVT workflows reflect the complexities of the experimental works that they are based on.

Recommended Additional Readings

Original Air Date: August 15 2024

Formation Damage Mechanisms in Unconventionals – Fluid Variables

Fluids can damage your formation. Are you curious about the challenges presented by formation damage in unconventional formations? Delve into the complexities of subsurface dynamics in tight porous media, which is a critical yet challenging aspect of unconventional oil recovery.

Our innovative flowback test has provided ground breaking insights into the mechanisms of formation damage affecting the unconventional sector, and this webinar is an excellent opportunity to learn about these dynamics directly from our seasoned experts.

Original Air Date: July 18 2024

Produced Water Explained - Getting it Right

As water use faces tighter restrictions in Canada and the US, the pursuit of alternative sources like high TDS groundwater or recycled produced water has become crucial. But this shift brings its own set of questions. Why is produced water a complex choice for fracing? What critical questions should you ask your suppliers if you’re considering or already using produced water? Is it true that opting for produced water means higher chemical costs? How can you find the right frac chemistry that aligns with these alternative water sources? And, do Cationic FRs hold the key to solving these issues?

Watch our webinar, where we don’t just pose these questions—we dive deep to offer insights and actionable solutions. We’re here to cut through the ambiguity, providing clarity and confidence for everyone involved, from corporate executives to completions engineers on the frontline. Interface is dedicated to partnering with you to navigate the intricate world of water management in fracing, emphasizing efficiency, cost reduction, and data-driven decisions over marketing hype.

Original Air Date: March 21 2024

New Microfluidic Methods for Advanced CCE

Fresh off our recent SPE publication and the culmination of our collaborative JIP with industry giants Equinor, Chevron, and ExxonMobil, we’ll be diving deep into:

The latest advancement in PVT and advanced CCE using microfluidics, and their differences over traditional methods. 

Learn how we extract large data sets from a drop of oil. 

How larger data sets mitigate uncertainties ensuring more reliable and accurate data.

Original Air Date: October 25 2023

5 Crucial Gaps in Traditional Fluid Testing and How HPHT Fluid Analysis Improves Decision Making

In this webinar, we’ll dissect the gaps of traditional fluid testing methodologies and shed light on why incorporating High Pressure, High Temperature (HPHT) Fluid Analysis is not merely an added cost, but an investment that pays for itself, bringing untapped value to your asset teams.

The Hidden Gaps: Uncover the often-overlooked gaps in traditional fluid testing and recognize the potential they have to hamper your efficiency.

The Power of HPHT Analysis: Discover why High Pressure, High Temperature fluid analysis is an essential part of your asset’s fluid workflow, driving your business forward.

The Impact of Third-party Advisors: Learn how external advisors can help you overcome complex challenges and refine your operational capabilities.

The Importance of Data Verification: Recognize the impact good data has on your model and why verification is crucial for not only understanding but also improving upon the output

Risk Mitigation Strategies: Learn how to protect your assets from skin damage – an essential step in maintaining the health and longevity of your operations.

Original Air Date: August 24 2023

How to Reduce OPEX Costs Using Your Reservoir Fluids

Engineers and leading oil and gas operators are being pushed to reduce their OPEX and overhaul their field operations while improving or maintaining production. In this webinar we will be diving into 3 case studies and show 5 ways reservoir and completions engineers can reduce their OPEX.

Original Air Date: July 18 2023

New Methods for EOR Optimization Using Microfluidics

Interface Fluidics presented their collaboration with two Canadian heavy oil producers on microfluidics-based optimization for heavy oil recovery. They explained in detail how microfluidics can optimize chemical spend and increase oil recovery, drawing on their experience in Alberta and Saskatchewan’s heavy oil fields.

Original Air Date: April 12 2023

The Component Focus Mistake - Turnkey Systems are the future of Microfluidics for Energy

Microfluidics presents an unprecedented opportunity to understand fluid properties and phase measurements at extreme conditions relevant to energy applications. Since the 1950s, when a simple micromodel system was built to visualize fluid behavior in porous media, microfluidics has matured and has been adapted to help address the biggest fluid challenges within the energy industry. Modern microfluidic systems are robust at high temperatures and pressures and can provide phase property analyses competitive with the most established bulk methods. In contrast to bulk methods, microfluidic approaches offer advantages in speed, cost, control, and sample size. The microfluidic platforms provide an exceptional opportunity to inform the operators and help the industry and decision-makers moving forward – a role that is more important now than ever.

Original Air Date: February 24 2023

I Can't Believe It's Not Rock!

Interface Fluidics presents a panel discussion about the different types of fluid testing and the role of core/rock in fluid analysis. As an important player in fluid testing, one of the biggest questions we get from our clients is why we don’t use real rock in our systems and how we ensure representative results.

So we’ve assembled a panel of a reservoir engineer, a geologist and a chemical laboratory technician to tackle fluid analysis questions from all relevant angles and compare how the data from reservoir-on-a-chip compares to traditional results.

The ultimate goal here is to help our clients understand how they can design the optimal fluid testing workflow specific to their reservoirs: one that incorporates the advantages of valuable technologies like core flooding and microfluidics.

Original Air Date: January 20 2023

Produced Water Reuse and Disposal

Hydrocarbon production both uses and produces amazing amounts of water. In the U.S., every barrel of oil has 10 barrels of produced water pumped along with it. Companies are still figuring out how to best utilize this supply.

Interface Fluidics testing provides high-quality data that can guide operators make better use of water resources.

For instance, when produced water is used to stimulate production or is disposed of using deep well injection in saltwater disposal wells – Injectivity problems can occur where permeability is reduced, lowering well productivity and storage capacity.

Interface provides fluid-compatibility data that helps keep Injectivity high for longer time by mitigating reservoir formation damage – which strengthens oil and gas water management economics. This data can also be used to better specify oil field surface facilities and infrastructure. In this video, Interface CEO Stuart Kinnear presents the risks and capabilities for managing produced water in the oilfield

Original Air Date: November 29 2022

Wax Mitigation and Remediation: A Microfluidic Approach

Wax deposition is one of the oldest problems facing oil transport. It can lead to decreased flow rates, an increase in required pumping power, or even equipment failure.

Out of various proposed techniques, chemical treatment has received the most attention – it offers uninterrupted production, long-distance pipeline compatibility, and reduced restart pressure.

Still, no chemistry exists that works for all types of oil. Process-specific testing has thus been widely recommended. Measuring the wax appearance temperature and screening different types of wax inhibitors for oil and gas are two services critical to flow assurance.

Interface Fluidics offers chemical screening that helps identify the best mitigation and remediation strategies for each reservoir and pipeline – along with the large datasets needed to fine tune wax models.

Original Air Date: October 25 2022

Hydrogen Transportation and Storage: A Green Energy Transition

Despite many organizations declaring the onset of a “hydrogen age,” it still lacks the same rigorous scientific analysis of hydrocarbons due to more limited applications.

Understanding the behavior of hydrogen mixtures during storage and transportation is reliant on the measurement of fundamental properties like viscosity, density, and the phase diagram. Interface Fluidics is positioned to support operators take action by helping fine-tune models using large datasets.

Data generated by our testing also helps with the repurposing of natural gas networks and mixing hydrogen with methane. Another area of expertise for Interface is through the sequestering of emissions using CCS.

Original Air Date: September 27 2022

Optimizing Injection Strategy for Enhanced Oil Recovery

There’s no getting away from enhanced oil recovery (EOR) if you’re in oil and gas. After all, primary and secondary recovery are only getting you about 15-40% of your potential output.

In this webinar, we discuss a number of additives you can use for tertiary recovery, which include surfactants, polymers, solvents, CO2 foams, and nanofluids. We’ll also cover topics like conformance control and water blocking.

With Interface Fluidics testing, clients can quickly screen different chemical options to reach optimal formulations and concentrations – customized for their specific reservoir conditions.

Here’s senior account manager Jelayne Fortin expanding on our previous EOR webinar and the discussion of microfluidics in polymer-enhanced recovery.

Original Air Date: July 26 2022

Enabling Progress in CCS: Filling the Gaps with Microfluidics

If you follow climate change news, you’ve probably heard about carbon capture and storage (CCS) – unless you’ve been living under a rock. However, with CCS, that’s kind of the goal. ‘Living’ under a rock is exactly what we hope to accomplish with the injected CO2.

Unfortunately there’s still a lot to learn, especially when injectivity and storage capacity can be affected by things like impurities and additives. CCS then becomes a multidimensional process involving intricate mixtures under extreme conditions. Dealing with these uncertainties is where Interface Fluidics contributes the most value.

Microfluidics allows for analysis of CO2 diffusion, brine-brine and gas-brine compatibilities, salt and mineral precipitation, surfactants for CO2 foams and fluids for direct air capture. Interface is building on its vast expertise in gas injection screening to modernize how the industry approaches CCS. Learn more in this video, featuring Dr. Ali Abedini.

Original Air Date: June 28 2022

A New Standard for Energy: The Microfluidics Gambit

The application of microfluidics to the oil and gas industry has a complex history that brings together aspects of molecular analysis, biodefense, molecular biology, microelectronics, and reservoir engineering. Interface Fluidics scientists have made significant commercial advancements in this area, with the help of a stellar team including Prof. Dave Sinton of the University of Toronto.

This includes work that resolves porous transport and quantifies scale-dependent variations in phase properties with unprecedented accuracy. Nanofluidics has since surpassed traditional testing methods to give unconventional operators a better window into their reservoirs.

Learn more from Prof. Sinton about how work in microfluidics is leading the way in innovation for the energy industry in our latest webinar.

Original Air Date: May 24 2022

HSE Benefits of Microfluidics: Smaller Samples, Safer Solutions

Join us as we share more about the advantages of microfluidics for HSE – including easier and more energy-efficiency collection; convenient, cost-effective shipping; and effective handling and storing at our lab.

By reducing the sample and device loading volume (and thus the contained energy), Interface Fluidics technology reduces the impact of explosions and substance release, and other high-pressure accidents. All while operating at reservoir-relevant temperatures and pressures.

Original Air Date: March 29 2022

Hydraulic Fracturing Optimized: Preventing Chemical Incompatibilities

Selecting the right fracturing fluid for your well is important – not only to maximize profitability – but also to minimize reservoir damage. Incompatible chemicals or ones prone to degradation at high temperatures can block pores and reduce the productivity of your well.

At Interface, we help you screen through the right chemicals for your well, under reservoir relevant temperatures and pressures. Our visualization capabilities allow us to identify potentially damaging effects like emulsions, solids precipitation, temperature destabilization of HVFRs, chemical incompatibilities, and more.

Original Air Date: February 22 2022

Dealing with Supply Chain Issues

Dealing with Supply Chain Issues: Making Chemical Decisions Within Constraints

Learn more about why our rapid screening tool should be a necessary part of your chemical selection process. It provides more information and better data points, thereby increasing your chemical performance in addition to decreasing costs – allowing you to make agile decisions for your operations.

Original Air Date: January 29 2022

Making Better Decisions with Smaller Sample Sizes

The commercial world of fluid testing using microfluidics has been dominated by companies testing biological samples at a temperature and pressure similar to the human body. Until now.

Interface Fluidics sees the impact that these companies have had and we’re bringing the power of microfluidic technology to the energy industry.

Join us as we share more about our innovative PVT technology that allows us to work compatibly with 80% of the world’s reservoirs. Learn about where we started this work and the lessons we’ve learned along the way that put Interface Fluidics ahead of its microfluidics competitors.

Original Air Date: November 30 2021

Meeting ESG Goals Through Microfluidics

Meeting ESG Goals Through Microfluidics: Reducing freshwater and chemical use in oil and gas.

Interface Fluidics’ innovative microfluidics technology can help you reach your ESG goals by providing faster, more robust data. Whether you’re looking to reduce carbon emissions, cut down on fresh water and chemical use or learn more about CCUS options, microfluidics screening could provide the answers.

Original Air Date: October 26 2021

A New Technique for Regain Conductivity: A Faster, Cheaper, Repeatable Alternative to Proppant Packs

From the beginning, Interface Fluidics has been working to bring innovative, efficient technology solutions to the oil and gas industry. Even passing conversations about a client need can lead to breakthrough research, as was the case with regain conductivity.

The market shows that the traditional proppant pack methods leave a lot of room for improvement. Last year, we began to develop something better to help mitigate some of these issues – and just a few months later, we’ve been able to show that improvement is possible.

Interface’s screening has the ability to navigate through various friction reducers (FR) at different operating conditions such as FR concentration, brine salinities, presence/absence of breaker, pressure, and temperature, that ultimately provides a more comprehensive insight into FR damage than conventional methods.

Learn more about our proppant pack alternative technology in this video.

Original Air Date: August 19 2021

Polymer Enhanced Oil Recovery: Applying Microfluidic Analogue Technology

Part of our mission at Interface is to help make oil recovery more efficient – particularly through enhanced oil recovery. Using our own reservoir-mimicking analogues, polymers and other EOR fluids can be injected under well-specific conditions to evaluate performance. This screening allows for better field decisions to be made by optimizing chemical type, concentration, slug size, injection rate, and more.

Original Air Date: July 22 2021

Analogue Design for U.S. Reservoirs: Customizing Microfluidic Devices to Optimize Well Performance

Interface designs and fabricates custom reservoir analogues so you can evaluate a range of down-hole chemicals using your specific reservoir characteristics and fluids to identify top performing additives, allowing you to make faster, data-driven decisions.

Our innovative microfluidic designs show you how fluids behave at the pore scale and provides critical phase behaviour information for building computer reservoir models. We expose fluid behaviour, quantify effectiveness, demystify mechanisms and increase both economic and environmental performance of reservoirs.

Original Air Date: June 29 2021

A window into your reservoir

Your fluids matter. We expose fluid behaviour, quantify effectiveness, demystify mechanisms and increase both economic and environmental performance of reservoirs. Shine a light on your fluid dynamics. We’ll bring precision to your fluid injection decisions and savings and sustainability to your operations.