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a microfluidic device is shown over a lighted microscope
Microfluidics for Energy

Permian Basin EOR: Profiles in Innovation

Commercial microfluidic screening from Interface Fluidics is prime for use in the enhanced oil recovery (EOR) of unconventional reservoirs. Comprehensive case studies published in OnePetro

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regain conductivity with a microfluidic device

A New Proven Tool for Regain Conductivity

Select Chemistry approached Interface to help it overcome the well-known challenges associated with conventional regain conductivity testing: high variability, cost, and long turnaround times. The

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A window into your reservoir

Your fluids matter. We expose fluid behaviour, quantify effectiveness, demystify mechanisms and increase both economic and environmental performance of reservoirs. Shine a light on your fluid dynamics. We’ll bring precision to your fluid injection decisions and savings and sustainability to your operations.